Traditions across Europe-an eTwinning project

“Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, TRADITION and myth frame our response.” (Arthur Schlesinger Jr.)

From the milk to the cheese/ Dal latte al formaggio May 15, 2010

Filed under: School stuff,Typical activities,Typical products — Gina @ 6:31 pm

 In un  piccolo laboratorio caseario si ricavano dal latte alcuni prodotti tipici : formaggio, mozzarelle, scamorze, ricotta.

 In a little cheese factory they make  from the milk some typical products : cheese, mozzarelle, scamorze, ricotta!

La visita / the visit:


Alcune fasi della lavorazione / Some process phases:

View more here and here!

 Classi 1^A e 1^B – Scuola Primaria “A. Ciancia” – Francavilla in Sinni (PZ) – Italia


Getting ready for Easter in Italy/ Preparativi di Pasqua in Italia April 3, 2010

Filed under: Easter,School stuff — Gina @ 9:06 pm



Classe 1^B – Scuola Primaria “A. Ciancia” – Francavilla in Sinni (PZ) – Italia


What we study at school January 29, 2010

Filed under: School stuff — philjohnson @ 8:21 pm

At school, during Science lesson, we are used to studying animals:



Guinea pigs




Racing pigeons

Phil and the class 4- Churchfields Primary School – Chesterton, Newcastle-under-Lyme – England – UK


The Bell Rings! September 19, 2008

Filed under: School stuff — ivasil @ 4:43 pm

We have started lessons and I would like to suggest a topic: comparing school traditions.

Each school has its own, connected to events in the school life, and I am sure we will find we have many similar ones.

The one I wat to tell you about today might be one of these. It has two parts, that take place in the first and the last day of the school year. They are called “The First/Last Ring of the Bell”. In the center of the first one are the new pupils, the first grade children, stepping into the school for the first time. After the school-year opening ceremony, they are invited to enter the school in a festive way: the oldest students, the 8th graders, form a tunnel at the entrance, holding flowers in their hands and the small kids, nervous and solemn, go through this flower arch into the main door, while the bell rings for the first time that year and and the school anthem is played. The mothers are sobbing, the fathers are taking pictures, everybody is smiling. It’s a very touching moment.

The second part is a similar one to celebrate the graduates on their last day in our school. The bell rings for them for the last time and they come out of school through a similar flower tunnel formed by the 4th graders, the ones taking their place in the Secondary Course. The graduates say a few good-bye words to their teachers and class-mates. It’s a very emotional moment, both for pupils and for teachers, even if it happens every June.

I am sorry to have no photos from this year’s ceremony, but it was pouring with rain!

A wonderful school-year to all the contributors and the readers of this blog!

Irina Vasilescu, School no. 92, Bucharest


ART – how much goes on in your school ? March 5, 2008

Filed under: School stuff — philjohnson @ 2:45 pm
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I ‘d like to let you know about a unique and exciting activity our school has been involved in. In June 2007 we were awarded Artsmark status in recognition of the amount of drama, dance, music and art we produce.As a result of this we were invited recently to submit examples of our children’s’ Art – work to the Saatchi website, produced exclusively to promote art internationally. We uploaded over 50 items onto our own allocated space and are the first school in Staffordshire to have work displayed on the site. The works include examples of the techniques first developed by the likes of Kandinsky, Picasso, Warhol, Pollock and Riley whilst we hope to add images in the style of Van Gogh , Mondrian and others in the near future. We have also attempted imitations of Japanese and Aboriginal Australian work too.The website claims to have over 60 million hits per day which I’m sure you’ll agree makes it “busy” by anyone’s standards. To view my school’s zone go to :…while the site’s home address is would recommend any other schools with a passion for art to also pursue being involved with the site. Saatchi’s next big venture is to open a huge gallery on Kings Road, Chelsea in 2008. Just to illustrate the international dimension, I quickly checked how many non-UK schools currently display work on the site, there are 5 Italian schools, 15 Irish schools and dozens and dozens of USA schools.
Out of interest, at what age do your children start techniques of Art ? (brush strokes, spots, stripes, shapes, different colours to show different moods) In the UK I would say around age 5 / 6.
Also, at what age would you point out to the children specific artists and show examples ? In the UK this would be more like 7 / 8 but possibly doesn’t really need to be done until age 9 / 10. (In my humble opinion of course)