Traditions across Europe-an eTwinning project

“Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, TRADITION and myth frame our response.” (Arthur Schlesinger Jr.)

Easter bells going to Rome March 29, 2009

Filed under: Easter — mariedebretagne2 @ 7:24 pm

In France bells are getting impatient to fly to Rome. Every year they leave their steeples to pay a visit to the Pope.

Flying bells

Flying bells

On Thursday before Easter, they leave their steeples or towers to undertake a trip to Rome and to the Vatican. They fly away above  fields, rivers, sea and mountains. They have an important meeting in Rome and , in no way would they miss it.

When they have received the Pope’s benediction, they will fly back  dropping eggs in the gardens for the kids on their way home.

Egg delivery

Egg delivery

On Easter Sunday, kids rush to the gardens or the parks to collect  chocolate eggs and have a lot of fun to find them.

La légende, dans certains pays catholiques et particulièrement en France,  affirme que, le soir du Jeudi saint, elles partent à Rome où le Pape les bénit. Le matin de Pâques, les cloches reviennent en carillonnant pour annoncer la joie de la résurrection du Christ. A Rome, elles se chargent d’œufs de Pâques qu’elles répandent à leur retour dans les jardins. Les enfants vont alors les chercher. Pour le voyage, les cloches se munissent d’une paire d’ailes, de rubans ou sont transportées sur un char.