Traditions across Europe-an eTwinning project

“Science and technology revolutionize our lives, but memory, TRADITION and myth frame our response.” (Arthur Schlesinger Jr.)

Water supply at our grandparents’ times/Approvvigionamento dell’acqua ai tempi dei nostri nonni June 17, 2008

Al tempo dei nostri nonni, nessuno aveva l’acqua corrente in casa, per cui occorreva approvvigionarsi recandosi alle fontane pubbliche: I recipienti utilizzati erano diversi a seconda della quantità d’acqua che si desiderava portare: c’era ù varrilë u gùmmëlë, a јáschë,‘”a langèllë” ecc.

Con questo lavoro abbiamo voluto ripercorrere questa esperienza ,nel nostro centro storico, utilizzando i recipienti dell’epoca e con alcuni bambini vestiti con il caratteristico costume locale.

At our grandparents times, nobody had  flowing water in his home, therefore they needed to supply going to the public fountains: the  containers they used were different in order to the quantity of water they wanted to get: there was ù varrilë (  the barrel), u gùmmëlë( the jar), a јáschë( the flask),‘a langèllë” ( the earthware jug) etc.

With this work we wanted to go along this experience, in our old town centre, using the containers of that epoch and with some children dressed  up in the local traditional costume.

Abbiamo selezionato alcune delle immagini che proponiamo ai nostri partners.

 We selected some of the images we propose to our partners.

I bambini posano per una foto ricordo presso una casa tipica dell’epoca.

The children are posing for a photo to keep as a souvenir near a typical house of that epoch.

Portiamo a casa l’acqua con ù varrilë ,   ( contenitore a doghe di legno) e con u gùmmëlë ( contenitore in terracotta).

Let’s get home the water with the varrilë (wooden stave container) and the gùmmëlë(earthenware container).

Una sosta per dissetarsi.

A stop to quench our thirst.

In posa presso una delle caratteristiche fontane pubbliche nel nostro centro storico : ‘a fundænë  ‘i San Gësèppë”.

In pose near one of the typical public fountains in our old town centre: ‘a fundænë  ‘i San Gësèppë” (the saint Joseph’s fountain).

Ora riempiamo u gùmmëlë.

Now let’s fill the gùmmëlë.

Ecco i caratteristici costumi dei nostri nonni e, rispettivamente,u gummëliĉĉhјë,‘a langèllë” ,u gùmmëlëe ù varrilë .

Here are the typical costumes of our grandparent’s and, respectively, the gummëliĉĉhјë  (the small jar), thelangèllë” ( the jug ) ,the gùmmëlë” ( the big jar) and the varrilë ( the barrel).

Mario e la classe 4^B – Scuola Primaria “A. Ciancia” – Francavilla in Sinni (PZ) – Italia


2 Responses to “Water supply at our grandparents’ times/Approvvigionamento dell’acqua ai tempi dei nostri nonni”

  1. philjohnson Says:

    The photos are truly special – to walk in the footsteps of your grandparents and remember their lifestyle / culture is to show respect and appreciation. It is really is very good. Loved the costumes !

  2. Alex Says:

    Hi I am Alex.(6th class).
    What you wrote seems very interesting.
    We could not see the pictures properly because our schools internet filtering is blocking images on wordpress!!
    It is a lovely idea what you did.
    It is very interesting all of the different types of containers for the different amounts of water needed.
    Up to 50 years ago we did not have water in this school. Pupils had to travel 1 mile to get a day’s supply of water from a well.

    I am leaving this school this day week!
    Then I am going to France for my Summer holidays!

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